Sunday, January 16, 2011

Journey to a bfp-7

I really hate to start off like this but im a little upsett,another one of my friends just announced her pregnancy on facebook.
I never thought ttc would hurt so much and im really starting to believe i cant handle any more heartache, I pray that baby inmon really appreciate me as a I think i have taken my own mother for granted and underestimated motherhood completely.
I now see motherhood in a different light and whenever god does bless us with a baby i really believe that my own struggles ttc will alllow me to be more patient and understanding.
On other news rj and I set a date to be married 08.20.11 only 7 months away so we will be "not trying not preventing" until after the wedding..i doubt that i will be pregnant by then...but once the wedding is over we will be all about baby baby baby!! And hopefully IUI or IVF it doesnt matter im just ready to be pregnant.
To day is CD 16 i stopped temping this cycle because im getting a cold and my temps were hectic. I think i ovulated fri or saturday,and rj and i had a chance to BD thursday and a few times friday and none at all saturday..until next week see ya latter
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1 comment:

  1. Yah for setting a date! You have a lot of planning to do! Wanted to give you a hug about TTC too. (((Bri)))
